Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 43 - Never a dull moment!

This, my friends, is not a product of photoshop. I wish it was, but this actually happened to one of our neighbours a couple of days ago. Not what you want to see when you get home from work, that's for sure!

The crane was hired to lift a massive rock from one side of the house to another. The vehicle clearly wasn't secured properly and the rest is history. Nobody got hurt in the process but not a cool pre-Christmas present!

I know - this has nothing to do with the camino, but I warned at the beginning of this journey that we'll be taking a few detours... This one just seemed so surreal, I had to share it.

On a more positive note... (or should I say from a different angle...) :-)

I received an email this morning with the good news that my camino blog is one of the featured blogs on the Travel Blogroll for this week -

My nano moment in the sun! Feels good, even though it was probably just a random pick... Hey, I'm just human...!


  1. congratulations,

  2. Are you kidding, random pick? Your blog is great! Congrats.

  3. Congrats!!! Glad you got picked!! Enjoy it, you work hard at this and it shows!! Hope the neighbors are makes for a spectacular pic though!


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