Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Day 443 - Special words for a special country.

A couple of Sundays ago I visited one of our local churches and found myself so touched by the heartfelt prayer delivered by a young man named Ron Kamwendo - I simply had to share it here with you.

Ron was kind enough to pass it on to me and I have asked him to write a short piece introducing himself as well as an introduction to his well written and incredibly sincere prayer.

I thank him for sharing and for putting so much thought into this prayer, a prayer that is so appropriate and spot on for the times that we are living in. As a South African, I echo each and every word of his plea to God and trust that our leaders will surrender and follow the teachings of the Bible - clear, simple but definite and precise, the instructions are all there!

Here then is Ron's introduction and prayer for our country:

I am Ron Kamwendo, originally from Malawi, 34 years old and married to Asalele with two kids (Natalie and Shaun, 7 & 5yrs old). I work as Finance Director for an international non-profit organization called Grassroot Soccer Incorporated which uses the power and influence of soccer to stop the spread of HIV.  I joined Table View United Church with my family in 2009 and was admitted to membership in 2010. My family and I are of Presbyterian background.


There is a shift taking place in the world presently and it encompasses power, politics and economics. Arising out of this shift is the slowly but surely elevating status of Africa as a crucial continent, widely regarded in economics as the next best thing whose potential is yet to be unlocked. South Africa, being an emerging market and riddled with potential, is also widely seen as the key to unlocking this potential. A lot of attention is being paid to South Africa presently and it has gained a lot of prominence in international politics. Some of this attention is good but most of it could easily be driven by greed.

South Africa is becoming the voice of Africa and naturally, countries in Africa have started to look up to South Africa as the leader on the continent. This leadership position that South Africa has assumed is a massive role and without God guiding it, success cannot be attained. The prayer is thus to humbly ask our Mighty God to help South Africa as it embarks on this journey to tend to God’s flock across Africa.


Heavenly Father, just like you chose the mighty men we find in the Bible and whose success we so well know, you have chosen South Africa to lead the African continent into the next generation. A nation which is young in Democracy, but possessing great strength and will, and composed of a diverse people. A nation which is reeling from the after-effects of reconciliation and common purpose, a nation with its own internal problems.

But Lord we know not to concern ourselves with this, for in the Holy Bible you have shown us numerous examples of how you support and guide those whom you appoint as leaders over your flock. You guided Abraham, You guided Moses, You guided Joshua, You guided Jacob, You guided Joseph, You guided David, You guided Noah, You guided Jonah. You Guided Paul Lord, a man whose influence over our lives has an unending impact. Best of all, you guided your own Son, Jesus Christ, who died for us on the cross. What you gave to all these men was wisdom above all wisdom, and they did an amazing job of leading your people.

We call upon you Lord to do the same with South Africa in this crucial time when the African continent is beginning to look to South Africa for direction. We do not want the leadership of South Africa to result in the horrible results we have seen and keep seeing of other countries that have had the privilege of leading others. Such leadership that has led to the deaths of many innocent people, and the enrichment of the greedy at the expense your helpless sheep across the world. Leadership that has immersed countries in unimaginable debt, senseless wars, and diminished their influence over those they should be leading.

And Lord we realize that this is a huge role for South Africa. It is like a King who has to run his own family affairs, and yet deal with the affairs of all others in his Kingdom. Yes, the task is large but not when guided by you.

South Africa needs your Great Wisdom Heavenly Father, irrespective of who you choose to lead the country itself.

In particular Lord, may the intentions of South Africa on other countries be only those that you wish upon those countries. May it resist attempts of those wishing to bend its will according to theirs. May it not promote greed, either its own or others’. And may its leadership be to the benefit of all your children across Africa.

May the Holy Spirit guard our prayer, committed through your son Jesus Christ, our Saviour,



  1. Beautiful prayer. Thanks for sharing a bit of Ron's heart (and yours too).

  2. What an amazing prayer -- the themes of surrender and God's provision we could adapt for any country...

  3. I was touched by the sincerity of this prayer and believe that as long as there are people like Ron (and I join him), praying this prayer, there is much hope for our country and our continent.

  4. Baie aangrypend! Thanks for sharing, Emilene!

  5. Glad so many people are enjoying these special words - with Ron's permission I'll definitely post more of his writing here in future!

  6. Baie dankie. Mag God Afrika seën!


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